Education with AKOS

Our Values

Our educators strive for academic excellence, and we are known for our diverse offering of sporting activities and creative pursuits. Students can easily find their passion here at AKOS.


We want our students to question what they see, hear, and read. Our classrooms are energetic learning centers where everyone is empowered to delve deeper.

Tunataka wanafunzi wetu waulize kile wanachokiona, kusikia, na kusoma. Madarasa yetu ni vituo vya nguvu vya kujifunzia ambapo kila mtu anapewa uwezo wa kuchunguza zaidi.


We encourage our students and educators to show a mutual respect to one another within the school. Everyone should be afforded manners and kindness.

Tunawahimiza wanafunzi wetu na waelimishaji kuonyesha kuheshimiana kati yao ndani ya shule. Kila mtu anapaswa kupewa tabia na fadhili.


We allow our students to find lessons in failure, to try things that make them work a little bit harded, and to appreciate that it is possible to bounce back.

Tunaruhusu wanafunzi wetu kupata masomo kwa kutofaulu, kujaribu vitu ambavyo vinawafanya wafanye kazi ngumu kidogo, na kufahamu kuwa inawezekana kurudi nyuma.


We believe that every child should have the confidence to know who they are and what inspires them. Every student is treated as an individual.

Tunaamini kwamba kila mtoto anapaswa kuwa na ujasiri wa kujua yeye ni nani na ni nini kinachomtia moyo. Kila mwanafunz huchukuliwa kama mtu binafsi.


We know that beyond the lessons that we teach, our students are children who are discovering the world. To us, sensitivity is a representation of strength.

Tunajua kwamba zaidi ya masomo tunayofundisha, wanafunzi wetu ni watoto ambao wanagundua ulimwengu. Kwetu, unyeti ni uwakilishi wa nguvu.


We pride ourselves on having an incredibly creative set of young learners, and we give every child the space to realize where they might be headed.

Tunajivunia kuwa na seti nzuri ya ubunifu ya wanafunzi wachanga, na tunampa kila mtoto nafasi ya kutambua wapi anaweza kuelekea.

Chemchem si mtemi, lakini atakaye kunywa maji yake sharti ainame.

A spring is not a king, yet whoever would drink of it must bow.

Girls at Chibe

discussion on education at AKOS

Nine-tenths of education is encouragement. – Anatole France

Girls we help


Girls who graduate


Girls who continue to Form 5
